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Accounting Software Secrets: Working Remotely with SmartVault

Published: February 16, 2023
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From the Accounting Software Secrets Blog – Posted by Bonnie Nagayama, McWilliams & Associates:

How information flows through an organization is one of the ways that significant improvements in productivity can be achieved. We thought we were doing a pretty good job with our internal server that was accessed by everyone via terminal services, SourceLink from Personable to attach the electronic documents to the specific transactions in QuickBooks, and using Legrand for attachments to activity notes for the complete history of activity with various companies and contacts. When we had our server crash while I was traveling last year, the research I was doing on how we could improve our systems was forced into high gear. The first step was changing how everyone had access to the data, but more about that next week. The next step was figuring out what our new work flow would be: and SmartVault came to the rescue. Read More at >>