Cybersecurity for Accountants

As an accountant you’re particularly at risk from cyberattacks. And with increasing numbers now working from home, it’s more important than ever to be vigilant with your cybersecurity, as remote working is usually less secure than working from an office.
When handling sensitive data such as client tax documents, you need to be extra diligent about protecting yourself (and your clients) from scammers.
This eBook will focus on specific areas of concerns for accountants, including 3 ways you can protect yourself from future attacks. Learn how to:
Recognise the very real security risks we face online as accountants and our role in protecting sensitive information.
Discover specific areas of concern specifically for accountants and bookkeepers, and steps we can take to lower the risks of breach.
Walk away with a 3-part plan that you can implement right away, whether working solo or in a multi-member practice.