Cullari Carrico Cpas & Advisors

Powerful Accounting Solutions

Published: March 7, 2023
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Powerful Accounting uses SmartVault’s secure file sharing portal to complete their journey to the cloud

The Challenge

Dawn W. Brolin, CPA, CFE, and the owner of Powerful Accounting LLC had always known that going all mobile was the only way she would work.

But with her old on-premise based technology infrastructure, everything is tied to a centralized, remote-unfriendly desktop system. “It was a waste of time.” Brolin recalled, “Without remote access to files, I couldn’t work to full capacity while on the road. While out of the office, I would make a list of to-do items and then go back and spend several more hours in the office catching up on these administrative tasks.

Though fed up with the loss of productivity in a desktop-central environment, Dawn was scared to replace her on-premise servers with a cloud solution. “I followed the sheep when it came to misconceptions about the Cloud and data security. I was scared to give up control of my data to ‘someone’ I didn’t know and couldn’t see,” Brolin admitted.

The Solution

After holding out for another 6 years, Brolin finally took the time to educate herself on the security of cloud-based software solutions. And as her knowledge grew, her fear of the cloud waned.

When Brolin reached out to SmartVault to discuss how she could securely move her client flies from the on-site servers to the cloud, she was relieved to hear about all the robust security measures that SmartVault’s document management system provides to users.

Not only would her client documents be protected using bank-level encryption during any transfer and storage, SmartVault’s document management software also comes with a highly secure client portal where she can share or request client files by sending a secure link for the client to download or upload.

The anytime-anywhere connectivity coupled with the uncompromising commitment to security made going to the cloud with SmartVault a no brainer for Brolin.

The Result

“SmartVault makes my life so much easier. My files are at my fingertips at all times. And when needed, I can quickly set up a vault for a client and let the document exchange begin.”

Today, Brolin is a dedicated, permanent user of the cloud technology. She performs tasks and fulfills client requests in real-time no matter where she’s working.