Taking Care of Business: Let Your Small Business SOAR in the Cloud with the Right Mindset
By Dawn Brolin
Much has been written about small businesses transforming their operations through cloud technology. However, when it comes down to actually doing it, sometimes what stands in the way is a mental block. There’s a feeling of being overwhelmed and uncertain with cloud technology that needs to be overcome first. Then you can implement the technologies and strategies and truly reap the benefits of a solid business continuity plan built in the cloud.
As someone who has created a cloud-based business continuity infrastructure for my own accounting firm, I understand the mental side of this endeavor. I have started where many firms and businesses are sitting today—with just the idea that there has to be a better way! In fact, 2021 marked an important milestone for my firm—we celebrated our 10th anniversary—not of being in business, but of being in the cloud.
Given the alternative of not being in the cloud, this is definitely cause for celebration.
I simply could not have the kind of business I want without the capabilities and opportunities created by the cloud technologies I use. This is why I am so passionate about helping other businesses leverage the cloud, too, starting with the right mindset. I believe that if you use the four mind shifts below, they will help you get past the mental blocks related to implementing cloud technologies so your business can truly S.O.A.R.:
Saying Yes! First thing is first…fully commit to taking your business to the cloud and to creating a more resilient business by doing so.
If you still find the thought of getting into the cloud overwhelming, start by acknowledging how it actually is the more secure alternative to your desktop or metal file cabinets. Then get familiar with the types of cloud technologies that are available for key areas of your business process. Doing so will help you reduce your anxieties and create a realistic plan based on your most urgent needs.
Lastly, taking your business to the cloud is a commitment that will give your business the most bang for your buck when you go “all in.” Only when you truly run your business in the cloud will you have the anywhere, anytime mobility and productivity to SOAR.
Own Your Why. Hand-in-hand with fully committing to migrating to the cloud, is identifying your compelling reason for doing so. Think through your end goals and write them down.
Act now. A common issue that affects many business owners is the feeling that they have to do everything now. Start with one thing—a cloud-based document management solution is a powerful place to begin. Once this is in place, don’t worry about putting your archives in the cloud (You can do that later—hire a college student to help you scan!), just take the very next piece of paper that crosses your desk and scan it into your cloud-based system. Acting now will give you momentum to propel you forward and upward.
Recognize progress. As you move along in the process of implementing cloud technologies it’s important to keep recognizing progress. Are you able to be more efficient, are your clients feeling more confident that their information is secure? Are you saving time on routine tasks? Is your client service level improved? If you feel stuck, ask for support from the technology vendors whose solutions are part of your cloud-based tech stack. They can help you move past and implementation hurdles, without you having to hire an IT guru.
Don’t wait any longer to SOAR…
The current pandemic situation should be a very motivating factor to move your business to the cloud—but the first hurdle to navigate is your mindset! Use the tips above to get in the right frame of mind so you take action and make your business more resilient and able to truly SOAR in the future!